Adye Road cycling markings installed
City staff have reviewed, scoped and assessed how cars, bikes and pedestrians use Adye Road and would like to reinforce this route as a cycling connection between the Galloping Goose and surrounding neighbourhoods. To do this:
Road markings called ‘sharrows’ will be painted on both sides of Adye Road between Kelly Road and Hatley Memorial Gardens.
The painted ‘sharrows’ will remind drivers that bicycles and vehicles must share the road. The paint will also visually narrow the driving surface of the roadway which is one method for encouraging drivers to slow down.
90-Day Timeline: This traffic calming measure will be implemented within the next four weeks. It will remain in place as a trial for approximately 90 days, and then temporary measures not accepted will be removed. We'll be evaluating it on an ongoing basis over the 90 days with your input.
Consultation has concluded