Proposed Changes to Colwood's Environmental Guidelines

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What is the City Doing?

The City of Colwood is proposing to update the environmental development permit area policies and guidelines in the Official Community Plan. Specifically, the City is proposing updates to the following sections:

  • Section 18 DP Area Guidelines starting on page 118
  • Section 19 Environmental DP Areas starting on page 130
  • Section 20 Riparian and Marine Shorelines DPA starting on page 138


The purpose of this update is to:

  1. Ensure compliance with provincial Riparian Area Protection Regulation and recent case law;
  2. Simplify language to improve document readability;
  3. Provide clearer procedural guidance to support staff’s review of development permit applications in riparian areas; and,
  4. Provide new policies to help protect wetlands, non-fish bearing streams and stream beds that are not currently protected by the provincial Riparian Area Protection Regulation.

Where is the City at in the Process?

The following table summarizes the project history and the key events/decisions that led to the City’s consideration of Bylaw No. 1700-10.


Summer 2023

The City engaged a Qualified Environmental Professional to review and recommend updates to the City’s environmental policies and guidelines.

Fall 2023

Based on this review, staff prepared a report, recommendation and amending bylaws to update the environmental policies and guidelines.

December 4, 2023

The report, recommendation and draft amending bylaw were introduced to the Planning and Land Use Committee. The Committee forwarded the Staff Recommendation to Council.

January 8, 2024

Council considered the Planning and Land Use Committee’s recommendation and gave the amending bylaw 1st and 2nd reading.

January 25, 2024

A public hearing was held for the amending bylaw. In total, seven (7) written submissions were received, and seven (7) members of the public spoke live at the hearing.

February 12, 2024

Council directed staff to conduct additional consultation with the general public , the City’s Environment Committee and the development community (including Qualified Professionals) on the proposed amendments over a two-month period prior to scheduling 3rd reading of the amending bylaw.

February 20, 2024

Staff presented to the City’s Environment Committee to keep them informed about the proposed consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10. The Committee recommended that the City also invite Deborah Curran, Director and Professor of Environmental Studies and Law at the University of Victoria, to provide input on the amending bylaw.

March 11, 2024

Council considered and moved the Environment Committee’s recommendation.

March – May, 2024

A survey was administered to Ms. Curran, a list of Qualified Environmental Professionals, and members within the development community. The survey remained open for a period of two months with a closing date of May 31st, 2024. The City received a total of 7 responses.

June 11 - October 15, 2024Staff worked with a third-party QEP over the summer months to revisit the amending bylaw and proposed changes to the environmental DPA guidelines to address the key concerns raised during the public hearing and survey responses. The revised Bylaw 1700-10 was available for the public to review and can be accessed via the “Documents” tab on the right.
November 18, 2024Staff presented an update to the City’s Environment Committee regarding the consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10 and how the bylaw was revised to address concerns raised. The Environment Committee recommended to Council that it repeal 1st and 2nd reading of Bylaw 1700-10 and that Council consider Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) for bylaw readings/a public hearing. They also suggested that staff include within the amending bylaw language for the City to request a third party audit of a QEP’s report and that staff provide information to Council on the climate considerations associated with the amending bylaw. Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) includes language for the City to request a third-party audit of a QEP’s report (see Section 20 A.1.b).
December 2, 2024Staff presented an update to the City’s Planning and Land Use Committee regarding the consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10 and how the bylaw was revised to address concerns raised. The Planning and Land Use Committee recommended to Council that it repeal 1st and 2nd reading of Bylaw 1700-10 and that Council consider Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) for bylaw readings/a public hearing. They also recommended that Council direct staff to explore the option of adopting and designating pre-determined SPEAS throughout Colwood.
January 13, 2025
Council repealed 1st and 2nd reading of bylaw 1700-10 and provided 1st and 2nd reading to bylaw 1700-10 (as amended). As part of the staff recommendation, the Let’s Talk Colwood page is to be updated with the latest version as part of the ‘INFORM’ level of engagement.
February 27, 2025A public hearing will be held for the revised Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended).

What Happens Next?

A Public Hearing is scheduled for February 27, 2025. Watch for details at

Stay Informed

What is the City Doing?

The City of Colwood is proposing to update the environmental development permit area policies and guidelines in the Official Community Plan. Specifically, the City is proposing updates to the following sections:

  • Section 18 DP Area Guidelines starting on page 118
  • Section 19 Environmental DP Areas starting on page 130
  • Section 20 Riparian and Marine Shorelines DPA starting on page 138


The purpose of this update is to:

  1. Ensure compliance with provincial Riparian Area Protection Regulation and recent case law;
  2. Simplify language to improve document readability;
  3. Provide clearer procedural guidance to support staff’s review of development permit applications in riparian areas; and,
  4. Provide new policies to help protect wetlands, non-fish bearing streams and stream beds that are not currently protected by the provincial Riparian Area Protection Regulation.

Where is the City at in the Process?

The following table summarizes the project history and the key events/decisions that led to the City’s consideration of Bylaw No. 1700-10.


Summer 2023

The City engaged a Qualified Environmental Professional to review and recommend updates to the City’s environmental policies and guidelines.

Fall 2023

Based on this review, staff prepared a report, recommendation and amending bylaws to update the environmental policies and guidelines.

December 4, 2023

The report, recommendation and draft amending bylaw were introduced to the Planning and Land Use Committee. The Committee forwarded the Staff Recommendation to Council.

January 8, 2024

Council considered the Planning and Land Use Committee’s recommendation and gave the amending bylaw 1st and 2nd reading.

January 25, 2024

A public hearing was held for the amending bylaw. In total, seven (7) written submissions were received, and seven (7) members of the public spoke live at the hearing.

February 12, 2024

Council directed staff to conduct additional consultation with the general public , the City’s Environment Committee and the development community (including Qualified Professionals) on the proposed amendments over a two-month period prior to scheduling 3rd reading of the amending bylaw.

February 20, 2024

Staff presented to the City’s Environment Committee to keep them informed about the proposed consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10. The Committee recommended that the City also invite Deborah Curran, Director and Professor of Environmental Studies and Law at the University of Victoria, to provide input on the amending bylaw.

March 11, 2024

Council considered and moved the Environment Committee’s recommendation.

March – May, 2024

A survey was administered to Ms. Curran, a list of Qualified Environmental Professionals, and members within the development community. The survey remained open for a period of two months with a closing date of May 31st, 2024. The City received a total of 7 responses.

June 11 - October 15, 2024Staff worked with a third-party QEP over the summer months to revisit the amending bylaw and proposed changes to the environmental DPA guidelines to address the key concerns raised during the public hearing and survey responses. The revised Bylaw 1700-10 was available for the public to review and can be accessed via the “Documents” tab on the right.
November 18, 2024Staff presented an update to the City’s Environment Committee regarding the consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10 and how the bylaw was revised to address concerns raised. The Environment Committee recommended to Council that it repeal 1st and 2nd reading of Bylaw 1700-10 and that Council consider Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) for bylaw readings/a public hearing. They also suggested that staff include within the amending bylaw language for the City to request a third party audit of a QEP’s report and that staff provide information to Council on the climate considerations associated with the amending bylaw. Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) includes language for the City to request a third-party audit of a QEP’s report (see Section 20 A.1.b).
December 2, 2024Staff presented an update to the City’s Planning and Land Use Committee regarding the consultation process for Bylaw 1700-10 and how the bylaw was revised to address concerns raised. The Planning and Land Use Committee recommended to Council that it repeal 1st and 2nd reading of Bylaw 1700-10 and that Council consider Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended) for bylaw readings/a public hearing. They also recommended that Council direct staff to explore the option of adopting and designating pre-determined SPEAS throughout Colwood.
January 13, 2025
Council repealed 1st and 2nd reading of bylaw 1700-10 and provided 1st and 2nd reading to bylaw 1700-10 (as amended). As part of the staff recommendation, the Let’s Talk Colwood page is to be updated with the latest version as part of the ‘INFORM’ level of engagement.
February 27, 2025A public hearing will be held for the revised Bylaw 1700-10 (as amended).

What Happens Next?

A Public Hearing is scheduled for February 27, 2025. Watch for details at

Stay Informed

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 04:35 PM