Getting a Heat Pump

Our townhome is relatively new, is very well insulated, has many energy efficient appliances/windows etc., but it did not have air conditioning. When we moved in during the spring a couple of years ago, we had no idea how hot it would get that summer. It was terrible. On top of minor things like not being able to sleep at night because it was too hot, our elderly dog who had been struggling with heart issues passed away despite our best efforts to keep him cool. We had inquired about getting a heatpump in the spring but our strata had said we were not allowed to have one. However, after that summer, enough residents got together and convinced/voted to allow heat pumps for those that wanted them. At the strata meeting, we had reps who could help with getting the Greener homes grant to help offset costs, Patriot Electric, and Mercury Refrigeration. Many of us signed up then and there. We had someone come out and do an energy test on home for the grant, and then, soon after, everything was installed. The installation was really easy and we now have a compltely comfortable home to be in year round. We received about 5k back from the grant to help with the costs. Additionally, we opted to continue to do what is right for the environment and our health by getting the gas oven out and replacing it with electric. Our gas bill is now on average just $20 a month. We are definitely happy with the changes we made.

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