Understanding Building Retrofit Barriers and Opportunities

This survey is for occupants/owners of residential or commercial buildings who live or work in the City of Colwood.
What are building retrofits? Building retrofits are activities that help reduce how much energy a building uses and carbongreenhouse gas emissions it produces, while increasing its resilience to the impacts of climate change. This includes updating mechanical systems like space and water heating systems, as well as building envelope improvements (such as adding insulation, upgrading windows and doors, and air sealing).
How are building retrofits beneficial? Aside from reducing carbon greenhouse gas emissions, building retrofits can help reduce energy bills, improve our comfort, safeguard our health, and generally improve access to high quality homes and buildings.
What is the Building Retrofit Strategy? To support the adoption of building retrofits, the City of Colwood is developing a Building Retrofit Strategy. Its purpose is to increase building retrofits in Colwood to help meet targets in reducing carbon greenhouse gas emissions while increasing energy efficiency and improving climate resilience (being able to handle and recover from the effects of climate change). The City hopes to speed up this change in a way that benefits as many Colwood residents as possible.