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Colwood's draft Waterfront Stewardship Plan details how the sensitive ecology and archaeology of Colwood's coastline and lagoon areas will be protected and enhanced with a thoughtfully designed pathway that guides people through the space in appropriate ways. This is a master plan that will inform Council decision-making for the next 10 years.
A plan built on community input
The Waterfront Stewardship process began early in 2021 with detailed background analysis, review of previous studies and reports, and input from community members, Songhees and Esquimalt Nations and other key stakeholders, project partners, and Colwood’s Waterfront Stewardship Committee.
That first phase allowed for the development of early concepts for the waterfront which were shared with Colwood Council asking for their approval to proceed with continued community engagement.
Community and stakeholder input has been vital to the development and refinement of the plan.
The plan identifies approaches that protect the highly sensitive wildlife habitat and archeological resources with design that enhances accessibility and directs human activity to the most appropriate areas beyond the lagoon along the full length of the waterfront. It will also support climate action and clean initiatives that strengthen the local economy and build a resilient community
The final draft details plans for a pathway from the Lagoon Bridge to The Beachlands that will include environmental landscaping and carefully designed features such as view points, seating and washrooms. The final revised draft includes strategies for improved resilience to sea level rise based on a 2023 detailed Coastal Engineering Analysis.
We've been listening and documenting input from the community in a variety of ways:
Stakeholder meetings were hosted with many groups and individuals including First Nations, the Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, Royal Roads University, residents in the Lagoon neighbourhood and many others.
Pop up engagement booths were hosted at the waterfront and in various parks during the summer months.
Sounding boards were placed in local shops, at the recreation centre and in the library for on-the-spot feedback.
Online feedback forms encouraged the public to learn more and share their views.
Letters, emails and phone calls have been received and input recorded.
Presentations during public meetings of Colwood Council and the Waterfront Coastal Process Committee, where public participation is encouraged.
The online feedback form is now closed. Findings have been incorporated into the draft report.
Colwood's draft Waterfront Stewardship Plan details how the sensitive ecology and archaeology of Colwood's coastline and lagoon areas will be protected and enhanced with a thoughtfully designed pathway that guides people through the space in appropriate ways. This is a master plan that will inform Council decision-making for the next 10 years.
A plan built on community input
The Waterfront Stewardship process began early in 2021 with detailed background analysis, review of previous studies and reports, and input from community members, Songhees and Esquimalt Nations and other key stakeholders, project partners, and Colwood’s Waterfront Stewardship Committee.
That first phase allowed for the development of early concepts for the waterfront which were shared with Colwood Council asking for their approval to proceed with continued community engagement.
Community and stakeholder input has been vital to the development and refinement of the plan.
The plan identifies approaches that protect the highly sensitive wildlife habitat and archeological resources with design that enhances accessibility and directs human activity to the most appropriate areas beyond the lagoon along the full length of the waterfront. It will also support climate action and clean initiatives that strengthen the local economy and build a resilient community
The final draft details plans for a pathway from the Lagoon Bridge to The Beachlands that will include environmental landscaping and carefully designed features such as view points, seating and washrooms. The final revised draft includes strategies for improved resilience to sea level rise based on a 2023 detailed Coastal Engineering Analysis.
We've been listening and documenting input from the community in a variety of ways:
Stakeholder meetings were hosted with many groups and individuals including First Nations, the Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, Royal Roads University, residents in the Lagoon neighbourhood and many others.
Pop up engagement booths were hosted at the waterfront and in various parks during the summer months.
Sounding boards were placed in local shops, at the recreation centre and in the library for on-the-spot feedback.
Online feedback forms encouraged the public to learn more and share their views.
Letters, emails and phone calls have been received and input recorded.
Presentations during public meetings of Colwood Council and the Waterfront Coastal Process Committee, where public participation is encouraged.
The online feedback form is now closed. Findings have been incorporated into the draft report.
Page last updated: 31 May 2024, 01:37 PM
Review the Draft Colwood Waterfront Stewardship Plan
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Review existing plans, policies and reports; conduct analyses; and, develop a Needs Assessment Report and a Shoreline Assessment Report.
Phase 2: Consultation + Preliminary Concepts
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Two rounds of consultation: Round 1 to introduce the project and gather initial feedback to inform preliminary designs. Round 2 to gather feedback on preliminary design options.
Phase 3: Plan Refinement + Ongoing Consultation
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Design concepts developed iteratively, then tested and refined based on community, stakeholder, staff, and Council feedback.
Phase 4: Draft Plan
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Plans refined based on community and staff feedback and presented to City Council at a public meeting.
Phase 5: Engagement on Draft Plan and Budget Estimates
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Refine budget estimates and encourage public input.
Phase 5: Feedback on final draft with updated estimates
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Invite input on revised draft with cost estimates and improved resilience to sea level rise based on a 2023 detailed Coastal Engineering Analysis.
Phase 6: Adoption by Council
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Present feedback summary and final draft to Council.
Phase 7: Award contract for project management
Waterfront Stewardship Plan has finished this stage
Colwood Council awarded the contract for project management and design services for the implementation of Phase 1 to Associated Engineering
Ongoing consultation with Local Nations
Waterfront Stewardship Plan is currently at this stage
First steps are under2ay in partnership with local Nations and the BC Archaeology Branch to ensure the protection of the sensitive ecology and archaeology of the coastline and lagoon areas.
CONSULT Gather feedback on issues, alternatives or decisions. "We want to hear your thoughts and concerns. Community input will be considered along with technical, environmental, financial and regulatory considerations."