Provincial Housing Mandates
What is happening?
In late 2023, the Province of British Columbia began the introduction of a variety of mandates to address the ongoing housing crisis. In response, the City of Colwood is required to amend its local bylaws to align with the new legislation.
Colwood is ahead of the curve.
The City of Colwood already supports the type of growth required through the Provincial legislation. Specific examples include:
- The Official Community Plan: the City’s OCP already targets infill densities equal to or greater than the Province’s requirements for infill housing in its neighbourhoods and Village Centers, and for Transit Oriented Areas within the Colwood Exchange.
- Secondary Suites & Accessory Dwelling Units: secondary suites and accessory dwelling units (aka., garden suites or carriage homes) are already permitted in all zones with residential uses in Colwood.
- Small lot subdivision guidelines: have been developed to facilitate the development of housing on small lots.
- Gateway & Triangle Lands Action Plan: envisions significant development around the Colwood Exchange, including buildings of up to 20-25 stories around Colwood Corners and higher densities along Sooke Road, Goldstream Avenue and Wale Road south of Wilfert Road.
…and we’re looking for more opportunities.
The Provincial mandates provide an opportunity for the City to further refine its approach to Transit-Oriented Areas planning and infill housing, ensuring that new growth is thoughtfully incorporated into Colwood’s ambitions as a community.
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