Boulevards and Beautification

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Consultation has concluded

Colwood is growing, and many new roads and landscaped boulevards are being built and paid for by developers according to City standards and requirements.

Considering costs

Every inch of new landscaping comes with new maintenance costs for the City. Council must make decisions about the budget and resources required to maintain boulevards.

This discussion provides the opportunity to consider the landscaping and beautification of existing high visibility locations on major routes in Colwood.

Questions to contemplate

Is enhancing landscaping on major routes important to you?

Would boulevard gardens at major intersections foster an increased sense of pride in your community?

Would you be comfortable with a portion of your property taxes being applied to beautifying City streetscapes?

Take the quick POLL below then click on the PLACES tab to mark intersections you think could use special boulevard treatment.

The input you provide here will be included in reports to Council when making decisions about boulevard maintenance.

You are helping to shape how our community grows. We appreciate your participation and value your ideas!

Colwood is growing, and many new roads and landscaped boulevards are being built and paid for by developers according to City standards and requirements.

Considering costs

Every inch of new landscaping comes with new maintenance costs for the City. Council must make decisions about the budget and resources required to maintain boulevards.

This discussion provides the opportunity to consider the landscaping and beautification of existing high visibility locations on major routes in Colwood.

Questions to contemplate

Is enhancing landscaping on major routes important to you?

Would boulevard gardens at major intersections foster an increased sense of pride in your community?

Would you be comfortable with a portion of your property taxes being applied to beautifying City streetscapes?

Take the quick POLL below then click on the PLACES tab to mark intersections you think could use special boulevard treatment.

The input you provide here will be included in reports to Council when making decisions about boulevard maintenance.

You are helping to shape how our community grows. We appreciate your participation and value your ideas!

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Pinpoint intersections for boulevard gardens

almost 5 years

Drag and drop a pin to mark intersections you think could use special boulevard treatment.

Add a note about why you chose it and what you would like to see there. 

You can even attach an image if you like.

How to add a pin

1. Click on the Google Map then zoom in using the zoom tools at the lower right of the map.

2. Add a map pin by clicking the + sign at the top left of the map. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded