Phase 2 Engagement Open
We've received great feedback throughout Phase 1 of this project. As we enter Phase 2, we invite you to review early concept directions for each park and share your thoughts. If you're just joining us now, it's the perfect time to get involved!
Ways to participate:
Complete a Questionnaire
- Colwood Creek Park
- Lookout Lake Park
- Ocean View Park
Attend a Public Pop-Up
- Lookout Lake Park: Saturday October 16th, 10am – 12pm (near the beach)
- Ocean View Park: Saturday October 16th, 1pm – 3pm (near the playground)
- Colwood Creek Park: Sunday, October 17th, 10am – 12pm and Saturday, October 23rd 12pm – 2pm (near the playground)
Join an Online Workshop
An online workshop will be held Wednesday, October 27th from 6pm – 9pm. The workshop will be an opportunity to chat with the project team and neighbours about emerging directions and priorities. There will be a one-hour discussion period for each park:
- Colwood Creek Park: Join at 6 pm
- Ocean View Park: Join at 7 pm
- Lookout Lake Park: Join at 8 pm
You can participate in any or all of the park discussions. RSVP required, email and indicate which discussion period(s) you're interested in to reserve your space.
Project Process DiagramHow will the plan come together?

How will the plan come together?
- We'll be developing the Parks Management Plans with your help throughout the rest of 2021, as shown in the process chart below.
- We are currently in Phase 2, and input will be welcome until November 5th, 2021. We look forward to hearing from you!
- The final phase of the process will include development of the draft management plans. Stay tuned for this later in 2021.
Consultation has concluded for this project.
Council endorsed the Park Management Plans for Colwood Creek, Lookout Lake, and Ocean View Park at the May 9, 2022 Council Meeting.