Creating a town centre plan

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Consultation has concluded

A unique opportunity

This map shows a significant area in Colwood's town centre, bordered by Goldstream Avenue, Wale Road and Island Highway.

Property owners in this area are interested in enhancing the use of their lands.

If you could design a town centre here, what would it be like? How would the streets, sidewalks and boulevards look? What shops, services and eateries would be there? What would it need to make it a place you would want to spend time?

What the OCP says about Colwood Corners

Colwood's Official Community Plan (OCP) envisions Colwood Corners as a destination for shopping, working and socializing, with inviting and interesting public spaces.

Getting specific and providing clarity

While the OCP outlines intended land uses for this area, creating an area plan will provide the opportunity to be specific about how the community wants this area to look and function.

It will provide certainty and clear direction to the people who own property there for when they are ready to enhance the use of their lands.

Take the QUICK POLL or dive into the DISCUSSION FORUM to share your ideas.

The input you provide here will be included in reports Council will consider when making decisions about the town centre plan.

You are helping to shape how our community grows. We appreciate your participation and value your ideas!

A unique opportunity

This map shows a significant area in Colwood's town centre, bordered by Goldstream Avenue, Wale Road and Island Highway.

Property owners in this area are interested in enhancing the use of their lands.

If you could design a town centre here, what would it be like? How would the streets, sidewalks and boulevards look? What shops, services and eateries would be there? What would it need to make it a place you would want to spend time?

What the OCP says about Colwood Corners

Colwood's Official Community Plan (OCP) envisions Colwood Corners as a destination for shopping, working and socializing, with inviting and interesting public spaces.

Getting specific and providing clarity

While the OCP outlines intended land uses for this area, creating an area plan will provide the opportunity to be specific about how the community wants this area to look and function.

It will provide certainty and clear direction to the people who own property there for when they are ready to enhance the use of their lands.

Take the QUICK POLL or dive into the DISCUSSION FORUM to share your ideas.

The input you provide here will be included in reports Council will consider when making decisions about the town centre plan.

You are helping to shape how our community grows. We appreciate your participation and value your ideas!

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Your top priority for Colwood's town centre

    about 5 years ago
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    If you could design Colwood's town centre, what is one thing you would do to make it a place you would want to spend time? 

    What design features would you include? Consider how you would get there, what things you would want to do there, what might prevent you from going there, or what might make you stay longer.